In February, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1978 from Vienna, Virginia visited Bryce Ski Resort in Blayse, Virginia. The scouts visited for their annual ski trip. After another year of hard work, the scouts got to relax on the slopes and the couch.
In January, the Boy Scouts of Troop 1978 from Vienna, Virginia, went camping at T. Brady Saunders Cub Scout Adventure Camp. Instead of playing Cub Scout games our Troop earned Merit Badges and lots of them.
Luke Cann gets prepared to build a small library at Luise Archer with the help of scouts from Troop 1978. He first has to measure out all the materials and learn how to put the library together before he can lead the scouts.
What do I mean when I talk about troop culture? Troop culture is the way we see the world. It includes what we do in the troop, what we believe in, and the traditions we create.
Scouts planned, built, and planted a wayside garden on Park Street along the Washington & Old Dominion (“W&OD”) Trail across from the Vienna Community Center.
There are several styles of leadership, and you may want to use them according to the situation, the skills of the leader, and the skills of the patrol members.
BSA Troop 1978 from Vienna, Virginia camped out at Sky Meadows State Park in November 2017. Cub scouts joined Troop 1978 for a day of hiking, scoutcraft, and competitions.