Luke's Eagle Project:
Project Description: Build and install a "Lending Library" for Louise Archer Elementary School, carry out a book drive from the scouts in Troop 1978 to start off the library, and repair landscaping anywhere Louise Archer requires.
Benefit to Louise Archer: This lending library is helpful to Louise Archer because it allows students to freely exchange books without the need of the complicated library system. This project supports Louise Archer's goal to make reading fun.
Materials, Supplies and Tools: 3/4'' pieces of exterior plywood, cedar roof shingles, trim, primer, exterior stain, Plexi-glass front door, 4 x 4 mounting post. Tools for cutting (table saw, miter saw, tape measure, square, router and bits) and assembly (screwdriver, hammer, wood glue). Post hole digger and level. Extension cords, safety glasses, pencil, wood sealer/stain, and paint brushes/rollers/tape/sanding block.
Project Phases:
Project Cost: $200.00