Troop 1978 is a boy-lead troop that operates using the patrol method. That means that from start to finish, the older scouts lead the way. It also means that all activities are done by patrol.

For this orienteering course, older scouts planned the nuts and bolts of the weekend: where, when, and what would happen. They also taught the younger kids orienteering skills and lead the younger patrols through the course.

Each Patrol planned and prepared their own meals. They camped, hiked, and competed against other patrols together.

The adults literally sat back and watched.

(Well, that's not entirely true. The SM/ASMs did a ton of pre-planning with the scouts so that the event went off without a hitch. But during the weekend, the adults simply offered support to patrols. Plus, the adults had their own fun playing cards, roasting chicken over a spit, and making cobbler in a dutch oven.)